New Project Coordinator:UNASSIGNED Review/evaluate/incorporate new ideas,
work with volunteer coordinator to find people to implement new
Volunteer Coordinator:UNASSIGNED Recruit and assign volunteer, maintain an official roster of committee/sub-committee coordinators / members / emails, and produce thank-you letters
Treasurer: Pam (Fox) Alexander Oversee Finance/Budget Control, delegate A/R and A/P to separate finance Sub-committee members, keep electronic and paper backup copies of every projected and actual transaction, keep track of balances and commitments, provide on-demand reports for Reunion Committee/Sub-committees.
1. Set event pricing with approval of Reunion Committee - Sally (Hall) Troyer, Ted Smith, Paul Biederman, Don Belyea a. Combined events
b. Friends of the Class contribution tiered pricing (50/55/75?)
i. Decide what to include in ticket price (with approval of RC)
c. Non-attending classmates contributions? Earmarked or not?
d. Couple pricing
e. Adjacent classes 64/66?
f. Non-1965 former classmates?
Fri Night Tent Party Coordinators - Holiday Inn - Sally (Hall) Troyer, Ted Smith, Paul Biederman, Don Belyea + volunteers for each part: facilities/hotel, decorations, set up
admission control, name tags
media presentations including messages from non-attending classmates
memorial service - Ruth Ann (Valade) Lamott - balloons/ceremony for deceased classmates
silent auction (see fund raising below)
50/50 raffle?
class stories recording booths?
Sunday Morning Gathering Coordinator UNASSIGNED
Beach Party Coordinator UNASSIGNED
Fund Raising Coordinator:UNASSIGNED Coordinate with Treasurer
1. Set ad policy (with approval of RC)
2. Honcho ad sales. Produce invoice for ads and /or accept contributions for silent auction, recreate yearbook ads. Create website ready ads
3. Produce thank-you letters
4. Class of 1965 - 40th Reunion Logo - UNASSIGNED a. Use existing generic Trojan logo for initial mailings
b. Hold contest to develop special 1965 40th logo? Post entries on website. Decide winner by website or email poll, free merchandise for winner
c. Develop, produce and sell reunion themed merchandise (with approval of RC). T-shirts, mugs, mouse-pads, pens, key chains, reunion booklets, CD's, DVD's, Videotapes.
5. Silent Auction Coordinator: Myrna (Schwartz) Downer Solicit no more than 40 items. Set bidding rules ( start at 50% retail, minimum incremental bidding), coordinate up to 8 people to facilitate, possibly using non-classmate spouses. Arrange credit card payments, provide packing/shipping. Print certificates of Ownership and produce Thank-you letters. Sum-committee members: Ruth Ann (Valade) Lamott, others?
Class Gift Coordinator: Myrna (Schwartz) Downer Survey school wish lists
for worthwhile contribution in class of 1965 name, document previous gifts for website posting (seats at TF). Produce thank-you letters.
Classmate Contact Coordinator: Paul Biederman Keep contact info. Up-to-date on spreadsheet and website, mass postcard/letter mailing campaign with Sally (Hall) Troyer (Mail Champaign Coordinator). Coordinate/approve mass emails from spreadsheet or from website.
Solicit/compile audio/video/text messages from non-attending classmates for presentations at Reunion.
Memorabilia Coordinator:UNASSIGNED Find past reunion best/most results, find 1964-1965 artifacts for display on website or at reunion or maybe for the auction, records and album covers, ads from, news stories from 1964-65, letter jacket, actual sports trophies, solicit/compile class stories via email/mail/website, etc. Class stories recording booths (?). Produce Thank-you letters.
Media Specialists/Photographers: Jack KeyesNeed More audio/video tape/photograph all reunion events, select/edit photos, videos for website /CD / DVD.
Website Administrator: Roger Rayle Coordinate all website
postings. Delegate specific website sections to willing volunteers