Monday, April 04, 2005 TCHS 1965 Reunion Meeting Agenda
Possible attendees: Ruth Ann, Pamela, Ted, Sally, Elaine Bonaire, Barb Storrs, Tom Kilman, Judy Goodrich, David Penney, available on phone Roger Burns, Roger Rayle, and of course Paul B.
1. Status of the events:
1. Holiday Inn - Tent
2. Hagerty Center – Event
2. Financial Estimates for both events (HI + HC) = $58.00/ classmate, based on 200 attendees.
1. Possible additions
i. LLC and insurance $700, or $4.00 / classmate
ii. Making of CD’s for Reunion, $2.00 / classmate.
2. Or, a total combined amount / classmate = $64.00, or a shortfall of $14.00 / classmate, if we were to keep our $50.00 ticket price.
3. Questions for $ Shortfall:
i. What are your thoughts as to the Ticket Price?
1. Should we simply pass along the appropriate (HI or HC) costs to the classmate?
a. Should we make each event a separate Fee, or should they be jointed?
2. Or, should we raise funds to offset our shortfall of $2800.00?
3. Possible ideas to raise funds:
1. Silent Auction of less than 40 items to be held cocktail hour and perhaps after the dinner hour and closing thereafter.
2. Sell ‘banner advertising’ for the Website
i. Or, ‘Friends of the Class of 1965 Sponsorships.’
ii. Fifty-Fifty tickets, with half the proceeds going to – Shortfall, the other half to the lucky classmate or attendee.
3. Possible Ticket Price levels
i. $50 for Saturday Event
ii. $65.00 for Saturday Event + CDs
iii. $75.00 for Saturday Event + CDs + Friend of ’65 [donation]
4. Others?
4. Committees
1. Fund Raising ‘coordinate fund raising, evaluate ideas, work with treasurer
2. Treasurer ‘keep budget, track all expenditures, balances, commitments
3. Memorabilia Coordinator ‘solicit items for display at reunion or on Website, and return same items.’
4. Friday Night Coordinator ‘main contact for Holiday Inn Function.’
5. Saturday Night Coordinator ‘main contact for Hagerty Center Function.’
6. Memorial Coordinator ‘deceased classmates coordinator.’
7. Volunteer Recruiter/Coordinator ‘finds classmates to perform specific projects approved by committee.
8. New Project Coordinator ‘research, evaluate and present “ideas” to the appropriate committee or sub-committees.
9. Golf Outing Coordinator
10. Decorations Coordinator
11. Elementary School Reunion Coordinator
12. Website
Monday, April 04, 2005 Minutes – TCHS Class of 1965 – 40th Reunion Committee Meeting
A Reunion Meeting was held at the Park Place (Minerva’s), Monday, April 4, 2005, starting at 5:00 and lasting until 7:30. Attendees were: Ted Smith, Pamela Alexander, Ruth Ann LaMott, Elaine Bonaire, Judy Goodrich, Tom Killman, Sally Troyer, Myrna Swartz, Don Belyea and by phone; Roger Rayle. Attached to this email communication is the agenda that we followed, and also many great personal conversations and many, many laughs, like they say, ‘you should have been there!’ It was decided that we should start meeting every two weeks or so, and that the next meeting will be held Monday, April 25th, 6:00PM at Belyeas’ house (729 Quail Ridge). He will provide wine, pop and coffee and others may want to bring a few munchies. Ruth Ann brought a digital camera and took a few pictures of the meeting, of which will be forwarded along to Roger and Paul. The minutes of the meeting are as follows.
Pamela opened the meeting by reviewing the status of the planned events and there individual related costs and at this same time she gave us a summary as to how some committee members have paid in advance ($50 per attendee) of which has allowed us operating capital and if new committee members could do the same, that would be great! Pamela also acknowledged that a few nameless committee members have extended loans to purchase certain items (reservation payments and the website purchase), of which will be repaid once funds are available. A discussion was held about liability insurance coverage to protect the committee members against any possible retribution and it was the majority’s belief that both the Holiday Inn and the Hagerty Center provided all the necessary coverage. A lengthy conversation was held regarding whether to subsidize the ticket price by providing offset fundraising, and a unanimous decision was to incorporate all incurred costs into each function’s ticket price. We reviewed multi-ticket price levels and concurred that by offering our classmates different options may produce additional sales of CD’s, Directories, additional website funds, etc., and increase our average ticket price. All were in favor (if it became a necessity for us to obtain certain attendance levels), that the classes of 1964 or/and 1966 would be asked to join our event. Ruth Ann described a memorial for deceased classmates orchestrated very successfully in another class reunion, by which a balloon symbolized each ‘passed’ classmate and a short biography of each was read, and then collectively the balloons were released into sky, with not a dry eye in the audience. There was an environmental concern issued by some, although it was generally felt that we could abide by these concerns by using biodegradable balloons.
Conversations were directed toward the possibilities of holding a Silent Auction the night of the Hagerty Center Event and that all raised funds would be directed toward either, or both, a ‘wish list’ contribution from the Class of ’65 to TCHS, or a scholarship to one of it’s graduates, or a scholarship for NMC. It was mentioned that a classmate may not want to ‘work’ the silent auction during the cocktail hour, or afterwards, and it was quickly recommended that our non-classmate spouses be put to task! Great idea, and I wish I could give the appropriate credit. It was recommended that we immediately request from our classmates, possible donations of items, or cash, to go toward these ‘gifts,’ and to organize and put into place a working-committee. Ted and Don will meet this week or next to discuss the same, and report back to the committee as to their findings.
Ted will put together an approach for us to tackle the classmates that ‘need to be verified’ and still yet to be ‘found.’ We initialed many of the names on our lists that we thought we could individually confirm; and will pass along our findings to Ted and eventually, all to, Paul.
Action Items:
Myrna will take pictures of the Thirlby Field seats that were purchased by us with excess funds from our last reunion, and that those pictures would be downloaded on the website. Myrna will also check with TCHS and NMC as to ‘wish lists’ or scholarship funding.
Sally will coordinate with Paul the ‘Save the Date’ Postcard Champaign.
Tom will be our Golf Outing Coordinator.
Ted donated several items from his cousin Sally, and also possible tennis lessons from his son-in-law.
While the above are commitments made by individuals, committee members will also access their personal schedules and commitments and acknowledge at a later date, but soon, the event(s) they may like to work on, or chair.
Class of 1965 Reunion Committee Agenda Monday, April 25, 2005 Belyea’s house at 729 Quail Ridge
6:00 to 8:00 PM
1. Reports:
1. Financial Report – Pamela Alexander
i. Fund Raising Coordinator: TBD
2. Scholarship Findings and Report: Class Gift Coordinator, Myrna Schwartz
3. Saturday Golf Outing update: Golf Outing Coordinator, Tom Killman
2. General Discussions:
1. Communication Coordinator: Sally (Hall) Troyer
i. Post Card / Letter Champaign
2. New Project Coordinator: TBD
i. Evaluate, research and present ideas to the appropriate com/sub-co.
3. Agenda - Program Outline
i. Friday- Holiday Inn Tent Party -Friday Night Coordinator: TBD
1. Oversee Holiday Inn function
a. Starting and Ending Time
b. Time line for all events within
c. Theme Decorations Coordinator: TBD
i. Oversee the necessary decorations/themes for HI and HC events
d. Munchies
e. Layout of Tables
f. Memorabilia: Memorabilia Coordinator: TBD
i. Solicit items for display at Reunion/Website and return the same
g. Sign-in, guest-book
h. Pictures taking-(group picture)
i. Other ideas, thoughts
2. Elementary School Coordinator Elementary School Reunion Coordinator: TBD
a. Assist, promote and coordinate, if needed, grammar school gatherings
3. Golf Outing Coordinator: Tom Killman
a. Arrangements, tee-times, games, etc.
4. Group Facilitator: Marianne (Ingwersen) Shapiro
a. Determine methods and ways to ‘warm-up’ our classmates
ii. Saturday- Hagerty Event Center- Saturday Night Coordinator: TBD
a. Starting and Ending Time
b. Time line for all events within
c. Layout/format/ theme
i. Decorations
d. Silent Auction Coordinator:
i. Fund raising, evaluate ideas, work/treasurer
ii. Advisor- Tron iii. Oversee/ and orchestrate
e. Host or Hostess
i. Announcements and programs f. Memorial Coordinator: Ruth Ann
i. Plan fitting memorial to honor those who have passed g. Dinner/hors
i. beverages
h. Dance/music
i. Closing ceremonies
iii. Sunday Morning Gathering?
1. Coffee, breakfast, religious services
iv. Beach Party?
1. Boating Party?
2. Power Island Cookout?
4-25-2005 Meeting Notes- Class of 1965 Reunion Committee
1. Date and Time: 6:30- 8:30 PM EST, 4.25.2005.
2. Attendance: Elaine Susan Bonaire, Sally (Hall) Troyer, Ruth Ann (Valade) LaMott
Pamela (Fox) Alexander, Ted Smith, Myrna Schwartz, and Don Belyea
3. Agenda: [enter key words indicating agenda topics. Check
items when completed.. Items not completed should be entered in
the futures file below].
a. Financial Report
b. Gifting/Scholarships
c. Saturday Golf Outing
d. Mailing(s)
e. Friday night
f. Saturday night
4. Future File: [Items for future consideration]
a. New Project Coordinator
b. Friday Night
i. Items b through i
c. Elementary School Coordinator
d. Group Facilitator: Marianne (Ingwersen) Shapiro
e. Saturday Night
i. Items b through I
f. Sunday Morning Gathering
g. Beach Party
5. Today’s Recorder: Don Belyea
6. Next Meeting
a. Date/Day: Thursday, May 5, 2005
b. Time: 6:00 PM EST
c. Place: Ted Smith’s House at: 123 Hillcrest
7. Review of Today’s Meeting: Detailed and specific
discussions center upon four (4) topics that were felt to be
critical as they contained pertinent information that required
decisions that we feel are essential to include in the
composition of our first communication to our non-email(able)
8. Detractors: There were none.
Topic Discussion/Conclusions Next Step(s) Who Deadline
Financial Future obligations [$1223.50] Raise $’s by Pamela May 15
Ticket sales
And comm.-
Advance pay.
Gifting H.S. Landscaping project/plaque Go to Meeting Myrna date TBD
College Scholarship to H.S. student
Mailing Tentat.Pricing options: $15 for HI, Set price Sally, Ted, May 1st
or, $20 for a couple for HI,$50 for set format Paul, Don
HC, or $60 for both. $5 for CD,
$7 for booklet+ postage, checks
to be made: TCHS Class of 1965.
HI rooms reserved till: 7/12/2005
Bayshore reserved till: 7/8/2005
Fri. HI To include in communication: Draft Sally, Ted, May 1st
TGIF, summer comfortable attire, TBI Paul, Don
5:00 Causal get-together & reacquaint,
Cash Bar, Munchies, waterfront location
Entertainment from a distance
Sat. HC Songs of the past, surprise entertainment, Draft Sally, Ted May 1st
Possible Elvis appearance, International TBI Paul, Don
Gourmet Food Stations, Dancing and DJ
to play all your Favorites,, Memorial to
our ‘passed’ Classmates, Cash Bar,
Summer casual attire.
6:00-7:00 Cocktails
7:00-9:00 Hors D’oeuvres
Till Midnight, and then where?
Golf BayMeadows, short nine holes, or Sign-Up Tom,Don May 1st
Regular nine holes, teams, games, Draft
And prices from MC Sports. TBI
Logo Ruth Ann will contact Pam Guger to contact Ruth Ann May 1st
See if she will design a logo for our Pam
Letterhead (mailing)
I would like to volunteer to help facilitate ways of getting classmates to interact in safe and novel and fun ways that would help to provide a larger network of connections between us in a shorter period of time. What has worked and not worked in other reunions. What do you want to happen for yourself this time?